Pediatric Therapy - World of OT
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Pediatric OT in the Bay Area

Community Based OT Services

Get direct help for your child with pediatric occupational therapy services in San Francisco. Direct OT starts with an evaluation and works towards goals through treatment sessions.


Pediatric Occupational Therapy Evaluation

The evaluation provides the foundation for understanding your child and family. You’ll get new insights and tools when you join us in taking a holistic view of your child– looking at strengths, weaknesses, environment, and the activities your child needs and wants to do.


Children have different needs or challenges in different environments. For this reason, our comprehensive assessment and treatment plans look at their ability to function at home, school, and maybe even a local park.


At the end of the evaluation, you receive a detailed report outlining the findings from the assessments and recommendations for next steps. We go over the report in person, giving you the chance to ask questions and receive coaching on strategies or suggestions for home.


Pediatric OT Treatment

After getting to know your child in the initial evaluation, it’s time to choose a treatment package that best meets the needs of your family and begin working towards mutually selected goals.


OT treatment sessions provide your child with the opportunity to build skills through the “just right challenge.” OT treatment is fun! Play-based interventions are a great way to target challenging skills.


And it’s not always about developing a new skill. There are many ways to help your child function better. Sometimes it’s just a matter of finding a new way to complete the task or activity.

Consultation Services

Are you a parent who wants to better understand and meet your child’s needs? Do you feel like you could use some guidance, tools, and recommendations to help your child thrive? Our consultation services are designed to do just that.


Depending on the treatment package you choose, consultation services may be included. However, even if your family is not currently working with us, you can still book a consultation call. We’re here to support you!


Our consultations typically take place virtually. We start by gaining a general understanding of your child, the strategies you’re currently using, and educating you on relevant concepts and challenges. From there, we brainstorm concrete suggestions and create a manageable plan for you to implement at home.


Common goals of our consultations include:

  • Helping you recognize your child’s unique needs
  • Recommending appropriate services or school environments
  • Providing practical tools and routines
  • Empowering you to advocate for your child’s needs
  • Determining if pediatric OT services are necessary
  • Offering training and home programs


You don’t have to navigate meeting your child’s needs alone. We’re here to problem-solve and find solutions so that every child can thrive both at home and in school.


Book your consultation call with us today! We’re excited to brainstorm together and support your family on this journey!

What works best for your child’s progress and transformation?

  • Consistent weekly therapy
  • Home program implementation
  • Clear, frequent communication with team
  • Interactive dialogue and collaboration between therapist and family


The goal is to facilitate change and transformation so that children can meet their potential- gain new skills and tools, and generalize what they learn into their natural environment while the team can better understand their child’s unique needs and feel more confident in supporting them.


All packages are designed with your family’s needs in mind. In addition to individual therapy sessions, it includes consultation calls, an online learning platform for resources, updates and homework, and direct support through email, texts and voice messages. Find the level of support to fit your needs and we’ll work together to utilize the services for maximum impact.


Each package contains a fixed amount of services for the quarter, but you are able to use them as you see fit.  So while the packages include the essential components for success, they also leave room for flexibility!

Why Partner with World of OT??

We’re not looking to just add another thing to your schedule. Instead, you’ll find peace in OT that fits into your family’s specific needs and routines.


Your family’s quality time together is valuable. Days can feel hectic – filled with to-dos and deadlines. But the foundation of a healthy family will always be quality time together – doing chores, playing board games, or simple adventures in the park.


With this understanding in mind, we aren’t looking to interrupt your family life, but rather to integrate therapy strategies into your normal routines. You’ll get effective strategies to address problems impacting your child’s ability to participate in daily activities at home and school, making sure to incorporate your unique goals and priorities for your child.


This isn’t just for your child, but for anyone in their world – parents, teachers, grandparents or caregivers. It’s about partnering together to guide your child.

*World of OT does not currently accept health insurance. Our services are available in person in the San Francisco area and by telehealth within California