School Partnerships
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OT Support for
San Francisco Schools & Organizations

We partner with schools, preschools, and organizations who are looking for OT insights and support.
Set your students and staff up for success with screenings, in-service trainings, consultations and so much more.

Screenings | Staff Education | Consultations | Intervention Groups

OT Support for

San Francisco Schools

& Organizations

We partner with schools, preschools, and organizations who are looking for OT insights and support.
Set your students and staff up for success with screenings, in-service trainings, consultations and so much more.

Screenings | Staff Education | Consultations | Intervention Groups

Enhancing Student Success Together

Teachers today face incredible challenges. Kids are showing up to preschool and kindergarten with more needs and challenges than ever before — challenges teachers were never trained or equipped to meet.

Many of these children are experiencing
Challenging behaviors
Lack of attention and focus
Difficult family situations
Motor skill
Sensory challenges
Lack of attention
and focus
Difficult family
Motor skill
On top of managing a classroom, teachers in preschools and daycares are on the frontlines of identifying students who have extra concerns. With that, comes the challenges of connecting students with the right supports and accurately communicating concerns with parents. That’s a lot to navigate as an educator.


That’s why we’re here to help support teachers, students, and families from an OT perspective.

What We Offer

Workshops and In-service trainings for school staff
OT screenings
for a
Classroom Assessments and recommendations
Workshops and In-service trainings for school staff
OT screenings for a Class
Consultations for Educators
Classroom Assessments and recommendations
Small Group Interventions
Workshops and In-service trainings for school staff
OT screenings
for a Class
Consultations for
Classroom Assessments and recommendations
Small Group

Our Holistic Approach

Our Holistic Approach

To us, partnerships with schools, preschools, and early education programs are a grassroots way to have a greater impact on children’s lives. Through education and consultation, we reduce stress for teachers and empower them to meet a variety of student needs.

Since 2021, staff in-services & school consulting services have brought us to 80+ classrooms across San Francisco and the Bay Area. This means you get a partner who understands how classrooms run, the laws and logistics of the IEP process, and the role of special education.

At our core, we understand that not every child thinks or behaves the same way. Each child has their own combination of strengths and struggles. We take a holistic approach to pediatric occupational therapy, looking at the whole child – their strengths, challenges, and the team around them.

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The Benefits of Partnering

With World of OT

Why Schools Prefer Us

Don’t just take our word for it!
Don’t just take our word for it! Here’s what school partners have to say about working with us.

I found the way in which the consultations have a clear structure, with an in depth check in with the OT and educators and family members to be extremely helpful, as well as the follow up detailed report shared after the consultation.


Thank you for all that you do!






Support for Families of Children with Disabilities

Since WOOT is a community-based practice, it allows our students to be served on campus where students are comfortable and their skills can be immediately transferrable. The therapists work in direct partnership with the families and teachers so that goals are clear and applicable. The students who work with World of OT show more progress at a faster rate than any other OT practice.
Ushma and her group are wonderful! Ushma goes above and beyond to serve our students and work in partnership with our school.


The Brandeis School of San Francisco

Clearly grounded in OT knowledge, a strong ethical commitment to what you teach.



I greatly appreciate the communication with Lakeshore to growing our program with our needs and yours in synergy – thank you!







Lakeshore Alternative Elementary School

OT Screenings for a Whole Class

OT Screenings for a Whole Class

No need to second-guess which students need additional support or services. We’ll come into a classroom and screen all the students for motor, developmental, and sensory concerns to give you an idea of who needs help and what to do next.


The teacher will fill out a quick questionnaire about each student. Then we’ll spend several hours observing the classroom. By the end, you’ll know which students to keep an eye on or refer to additional services.


Plus, for students with concerns, our report includes some ideas for teachers and parents to begin working with the student.

OT Consultation to Help Educators Support a Student

OT Consultation to Help Educators Support a Student

Does your daycare or preschool have a student your team is struggling to support?

Consider partnering with our team to understand what is going on and how to better support that child’s needs in the classroom.

What to expect with a consultation

After going through this process, you’ll have a report & tools to understand the child’s skills and performance in the classroom.

This will help you advocate for their needs going forward.

Classroom Assessments and Recommendations

Classroom Assessments and Recommendations

Instead of looking at an individual student, we assess the classroom as a whole. We find opportunities to reduce behaviors and promote learning, connection, and engagement.


We work with the teacher to design supports and routines that fit the needs of the students in the classroom. This could be incorporating the right movement breaks or increasing the amount of visuals. Sometimes, it’s about finding the right routine for your classroom.


Again and again, teachers are surprised by how the right shifts can transform an entire classroom.

Workshops and In-service Training for School Staff

Workshops and In-service Training for School Staff

Let’s partner together to provide an in-service training experience your staff will actually enjoy and use! We share practical topics relating directly to daily life in the classroom. This ensures teachers and students continue to benefit from this training now and for years to come.


You can pick a topic related to pediatric occupational therapy based on your particular needs and interests.

Topics in the past have included
Getting to the root of challenging student behaviors
Supporting attention and focus
Emotional and sensory regulation in students
solutions for the classroom
Promoting fine motor development and handwriting
Getting to the root of challenging student behaviors
Supporting attention and focus
Emotional and sensory regulation in students
solutions for the classroom
Promoting fine motor development & handwriting
Getting to the root of challenging student behaviors
Supporting attention and focus
Emotional and sensory regulation in students
solutions for the classroom
Promoting fine motor development & handwriting
Getting to the root of challenging student behaviors
Supporting attention and focus
Emotional and sensory regulation in students
solutions for the classroom
Promoting fine motor development and handwriting

Participants in the course gain skills and knowledge they can immediately apply.

Each presentation focuses on an in-depth understanding of the topic and how to apply the concepts with students.

Small Group Interventions

Small Group Interventions

Is your team feeling overwhelmed by the number of kids who need extra support?



Take the weight off meeting every need by having us come in and work with a small group of your students. An occupational therapist will run the intervention group, consisting of 3-5 students all working on similar skill areas.

Our intervention groups are set up to focus on key early educational skills
Motor Skills
Sensory & Emotional Regulation
Groups can be created based on the specific needs of your preschool students.
Interested in Partnering with World of OT?


We customize services based on your specific needs. Here’s what to expect when you reach out:
Equipping Teachers and Students For Years to Come!
OT Support for San Francisco & Bay Area Schools